Thursday, November 3, 2011

Puddle Ducks

This quilt was inspired by the Goose Tracks  in October 31 post. I had been working on projects using mostly Cabbage Rose fabrics and had just gotten the Goose Tracks quilt back from Kay Peterson, the long arm quilter. I thought instead of plain half square triangles with the 4 patches why not use the goose track and since it was April and our world was still a muddy mess from melting snow I thought to add the duck and duckling or hen and chicks block depending on your preference in barnyard fowl. (that's a really long run on sentence but then most of my thoughts are really run on too)

this is the goose track block

This is the block used in constructing this quilt, a variation of the Jacob's ladder or jewel box block which would have 2 equal sized triangles with sashing and cornerstones between each block.

Sashing and cornerstones pull the goose tracks and duck and ducklings together.
Dudk and duckling block, the large triangle with small triangles

The entire quilt was planned on my design wall before the 4 patches and duck units were sewn together, then the blocks were put back on the wall before the sashing and cornerstones were added. Everything thing had to be kept in order or I would have a ducks foot stepping on or kicking a duckling.
Puddle Ducks

The finished quilt is 54" x 74" I free motion quilted it on my Bernina with a variegated thread in a concentric tear drop pattern.

Happy Quilting,

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