Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Half Baked

Half my cookie dough is baked. Half recipes and still a lot of cookies.

       acorns,                                spice cookies with cayenne pepper,                      sugar stamp,
                  spice cookies w/ almonds,                                     snowballs,                        and shortbread

All these cookies were made from my mother's recipes with the exception of the spice cookies with cayenne pepper. She was of Swedish decent and I would tease her after I married and learned my way through the kitchen and spice rack that a Swedes idea of spicing up the food was to add more butter, more cream or more sugar and maybe a little cinnamon or nutmeg. I only make a fraction of what she made. I think she started baking  Christmas cookies the first of November and didn't quit until the first week of December.  One year she rolled the edge of the shortbread cookies in colored sugar, they were so pretty, white cookies with a red edge and white cookies with a green edge. I tried to do that one year and had colored sugar all over the cookies.  Maybe that is why she only did them that way once.
I finally gave up and dipped the whole cookie in sugar.  I wish I could ask her how she sugared them so nice.

Remembering and celebrating traditions,

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