Monday, September 10, 2012

Red and Butter

This quilt has been sitting basted for almost a year.  The color of the thread to use was the big obstacle. The red threads I had were not right and neither were the yellows, then when I was choosing thread for the Summer Salad quilt Color Challenge I tried a green to tan and a multi colored varigated thread with orange and I laid the green to tan thread on this and it was perfect because there is green running through all the prints. I quilted it with concentric teardrops. My favorite all over design with lots of pivots. Linking to PatchworkTimes Design Wall Monday  and  Leah's UFO project. This quilt is from one of Barbara Brandenburg's books and it has a bamboo cotton batting that was wonderful to quilt.  --Ann--
P.S. if you have been following my blog or just perusing through it and there are big black spots where some pictures used to be...... I foolishly thought I should clean up my picassa file because it was getting full. Little did I know I was deleting photos from posts so I will try to replace photos and buy more space on picassa. And in trying to replace photos in the Drama in the Sky post of last June it moved to September.  Always learning things the hard way. --Ann--


  1. Oh, my... a completely lovely quilt of my most favorite colors. Stunning!

  2. Awesome! Congrats on finishing a quilt so long in a UFO state. It's a beautiful finish!

  3. This is a beautiful quilt, the colors and designs are wonderful. I especially love the name of the quilt.

  4. How pretty! I love pinwheels! Nice finish!!

  5. This is lovely! The prints that you chose really make the borders so interesting and beautiful. I admire the use of prints here, so well done!


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