Friday, November 9, 2012

On the Needles

 Mittens for daughter are almost done I plan to get them in the mail tomorrow another midterm hug for her. Colder weather seems to be here to stay.  And another pair of socks. Those are real glasses, trifocals. And I am not adjusting well. The computer screen looks convex and blurry to the sides. I have to point my nose directly at what I am looking at I've turned into my mother rest her soul and turn my head rather than just moving my eyes. I went into the quilt store yesterday--that was a kaleidoscope trip! bolts to the sides were blurry and moved in swirls of color. I was feeling queasy as I left and not from giddiness from fondling the fabric. They did work really nice for knitting and glancing at the tv but I couldn't even read a page on my kindle without turning my head.  As long as I was looking directly down the highway they were fine but my peripheral vision was a mess.  I missed a lot of scenery driving home. It was kinda fun to see the control panel clearly and to know how fast I was really going and to see the name of the artist and song on the radio but I missed all the scenery! My distance correction is minimal so I'm not a threat to others on the road. I have a new appreciation for my sight. --Ann-- looks like lots of warm things are being knitted at Judy's. take a peek.


  1. Mirror, mirror on the wall,
    I am my Mother after all.

    Your post reminded me of this little ditty.

    I find it to be true more often then not.

    Your mittens are so colorful. I know they will make your daughter smile.

    Good luck with the trifocals.

  2. I like that little poem, Judy D in AZ. Your knitting projects are very nice.

  3. Love your yarn choices - beautiful colors.

  4. Your mittens are wonderful! I hope that your adventure with trifocals turns out well. Most things do take some getting used to, don't they?

  5. What a lovely thing to do.

    Your daughter will know that you're thinking about her and caring for her even though she's away from you.

  6. Your mitten yarn is beautiful. The mittens are turning out great. I'll be making mittens after Christmas for my college bound boy. We haven't had much use for them here in Texas.


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