Friday, December 14, 2012

On the needles

On and off the needles. I started the grey socks last Friday afternoon and placed a marker everyday to see my progress. Knitting on solids is so boring. Last Friday the brown socks were to the last couple rows of binding even though the photo last Friday was just past the heel. Socks for hubby and son will be done for Christmas. Yippee!!! then on to stripes.
I thought the 12 pairs of socks in a year was an absolutely crazy goal but I made my first pair in September and this is my fourth in December  so I am on target and considering it was May when I picked up the needles for the first time in decades.

I showed second son a pair of mittens I felted but they are for another post and these slippers with the red trim I had just finished. (first pair click) He said my four favorite words "I would wear those" fortunately I had yarn so I knit him a pair and threw them in the washer yesterday. They look a bit okay a whole lot like muppet feet, they were over 17 inches long before felting, so 5 or 6 more times through the wash and they should be wearable. I drew around the prefelted slipper to measure how much they shrink and after 2 times in the wash they are about 2 1/2 inches shorter. I should have used a fatter marker to draw around them so you could see how much they have shrunk. Take a peek at Judy's on the needles.  Happily knitting and watching Christmas movies.--Ann--


  1. Great idea to mark your daily progress with markers! I was wondering what they were for, LOL! It looks like a lot of people are working on Christmas presents - it is fun to share! Cheers! Evelyn

  2. The felted slippers look really good - love the idea.

  3. Great slippers! Isn't felting fun?


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