Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Groom's quilt

We have a wedding to go to on Saturday, last Friday I started this for the blissful couple. Earlier that week I was looking through the photo book I keep of all my quilts for a really quick quilt, There are notes in the book about who has the quilt and details like the finished size and block size.  I had written 8 1/2" blocks for this quilt.  The math doesn't work very nice for 8 1/2 inch nine patches. The pattern was in a magazine from at least 9 years ago that's how long #2 son has been out of high school, I made him a similar quilt for the dorm. After spending hours looking for the magazine and not finding it I looked in a notebook I keep of all the quilts I have made or at least most of them. Its really more of a recipe book for quilts that has the size of strips I cut and what tools and methods I used. Its a great time saver if I think to look in it when I need the information.! Note to self: put the recipe book in a more obvious place like on top of the stack of magazines or on top of the cutting mat. The blocks were 8 1/2 inches after washing and drying in the dryer what happens at college stays at college.... so the blocks were originally 9inches made with 3 1/2 inch strips. That made the math so much easier. By Monday I was pinning it to the quilt frame and was machine quilting all evening. Today I sew the binding on all by machine and make a label then I will hang it on my stair rail and enjoy it for a couple days before I wrap it.
I called this a groom's quilt...they are user friendly, made with guy colors, earthy and lots of plaids and hunting and fishing themes. The groom's quilt is on the sofa, in the recliner and on the floor next to the dog and into the washer and dryer and everyone is happy.--Ann--

1 comment:

  1. This is so the plaids and the overall comfort I feel when I look at will be loved!


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