Friday, June 7, 2013

on and off the needles

Two finishes and a start. That makes 11 pairs of socks completed for 2013. Number 12 is a sport weight on 2.75mm needles size 2 US and they are knitting very fast. The pattern is a simple basket weave stitch k2 p2  and ending the row with k2 for 2 rows then knit a row then p2 k2 for 2 rows then knit a row and repeat. The repeat was perfect for 26 stitches on each needle. We have had a very cool wet spring here but gardening is under way usually my hands are stiff from pulling weeds and gripping the garden tools but not this year must be that knitting strengthens the hands and June 1st was the last day I wore wool socks. I'll put them on again rather than turn on the furnace. Linking to Judy's on the needles. --Ann--


  1. Great finishes! Love the pattern and yarn on the new pair.
    It's finally garden time here too.

  2. My favourite socks are the ones you are knitting at the moment - the others are lovely but that texture is wonderful. Knitting two socks at the same time is intriguing, I wouldn't have to keep notes on what I am doing. I tried it once! I never made it past casting on.

  3. You're getting so much done! Love them all!

  4. Your socks are wonderful, but the pattern and color of the current ones are super looking. One day I am going to take time to learn to make socks. I love how they look and I'm always cold, so I need warm socks.

  5. Oooo I just LOVE your socks!!! You inspire me!!!

  6. I really like that basket weave pattern on the socks! I usually do some sort of rib, but sometimes it is fun to try something new! I will have to remember this one! Love all yours socks though - nothing warmer than a nice pair of hand-knit wool socks. Cheers! Evelyn


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