Friday, September 6, 2013

On and off the needles

 I finished my sweater and I love it............soft and soon as I was finished with my size 8 needles and changed to a 6 for the ribbing.........
I started the Age of Brass and Steam kerchief/shawl free pattern from Ravelry, the yarn is Schoppel Zauberball. I love the way the yarn is wound by color I'm pulling from the inside so the next color is a mystery I'm just going to knit until the yarn is gone, its almost as big as the pattern for the kerchief. I want to wear it with black slacks and a black top. I think that will be sharp. The tag on the yarn said Knitting can be addictive! I'm not ready for an intervention--Ann--find more knitting addicts at Judy's On the Needles.


  1. Nice sweater! Isn't it fun to knit with Zauerball?

  2. Nice sweater in a great color! I have that scarf pattern somewhere and need to try it!

  3. Gorgeous colors in your zauerball. Age of Brass and Steam is one of my favorites - I have one I leave at work for when it's chilly. The shape of it lets you put it over our shoulders and it doesn't need to be pinned or anything to get it to stay in place with the fronts just hanging down.

  4. I've had Age of Brass and Steam on my list for a long time. Never thought of doing it in Zauberball. Love how yours is turning out.

  5. Beautiful sweater! Love your AoB&S in Crazy Zauerball! I just ordered yarn to make several for Christmas gifts. I like that pattern.


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