Friday, September 13, 2013

Quilting the 3rd queen

The third log cabin and fan quilt is almost finished. It has been a lot more work with thread tension problems. I finally blew in the bobbin case to get the lint out. Amazing how a tiny bit of lint can mess up the tension. So there have been many starts and stops and re threading of the bobbin. The 1st click and 2nd click quilts. I quilted with straight lines, palm leaves using the half circle arcs, in the log cabin blocks, free motion loops and swags and echo curves in the fan blocks, and in this quilt I quilted a feather circle in the middle with echos. I wasn't brave enough to try free motion feathers in the log cabins or fan background. Someday on another quilt that isn't a commission piece I will do free motion feathers. Have a look at all the quilting at Leah's. Happy Quilting--Ann--


  1. I love your log cabins! Your quilting is beautiful.

  2. Hello Ann,

    That is a serious amount of quilting to do! I'm always scared of getting buried by big quilts. It is looking wonderful.


  3. Your log cabins are so wonderful that I like to just gaze at the pictures. Thank you especially for the close up photographs that allow me to fully appreciate the marvelous fabrics.


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