Friday, November 22, 2013

on the needles

 These socks have knit fast, just can't wait to get to the next color. My stripes matched for a while then the stripe changes on top sock about at the beginning of the gusset the second red stripe followed by green should be the blue and white not the solid blue and there wasn't even a knot. Then I came to a knot in the medium blue between the two navy stripes and now the repeat is reversed to the bottom sock.
 So far the stripes are matching with the red and brown socks, a Blossom Street yarn and oh so soft, daughter started them and decided she wasn't ready for socks. I couldn't keep my hands off the yarn, it is so soft. I also started the blue self striping yarn pulling from the inside of the skein and the stripes are reversed. Wouldn't you expect that the skeins would be wound the same!!??!! But no!!
I knit some reading mitts aka texting mitts with left over yarn from my first sweater I bought way too much yarn for the sweater, one ball makes a pair some special people might be getting mitts for Christmas. I also got darling daughter started on these, and its going much better than the socks. Check out the knitting at Judy's On the Needles  It is getting cold here single digits burrr but great weather for wearing hand knits and knitting, the reading mitts are wonderful for driving. --Ann--


  1. You have been a busy lady. I like your striped socks and the mitts. May have to try those mitts soon (if I ever finish my 3S shawls before I grow too old.) Wish I had you around to help me finish what I start. Your daughter is a lucky girl.

  2. Looks like socks have been flying off your needles. I really like that red tweed; what brand is it?

  3. I admire you for being able to knit socks and those lovely texting gloves. Bravo!

  4. Love the socks. What kind of yarn did you use?

  5. Beautiful! Makes me wish I could knit.


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