Friday, December 13, 2013

On the needles Finish it Friday

Over the weekend I knit a pair of felt clogs pattern from Fiber Trends. They were monsterous in size but once through the washer and extra cycles in the dryer with bath towels they are close to the right size. They might be just right, they might get soaked and go in the dryer after Christmas then they can be shaped to the owners feet. My name brand clogs are in the picture to provide scale. I will defiantly be knitting more clogs.
Mittens and reading mittens are also finished, the reading mitts look like teapots without a lid. And another pair of felted slippers. The front load washing machine don't agitate the  slipper enough to  felt the wool (faint red line in photo above shows how much the clogs felted in the wash) the most shrinkage happened in the dryer so I soaked the clogs again in the sink and squeezed out as much water as I could then back into the dryer for a couple more cycles, which is how I plan to felt everything in the future. Before I soaked the slippers and scoured with soap and agitated in the sink and rinsed and scoured some more until my hands were all pruney.

Check out the knitting at Judy's On the Needles.  Happy knitting! --Ann--


  1. Oh those clogs look so fabulous! Do they get some sort of sole?

  2. You will find that your. Logs will wear like iron plus, if you wear a hole in them they are easy to fix by adding some roving to the hole and doing needle felting.

  3. I've seen a pair of these felted clogs a friend had and wished I knew enough about knitting to make them. Maybe one day. They look really comfortable.


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