Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy Feet on and off the needles

 Happy Feet! socks and slippers are done! The slippers went through the washer and dryer twice and the washer 2 more times then air dried and they fit perfect now. With two layers of felted soles they are so soft and squishy and warm.
I started a new pair of footies from leftover yarn.  Stitch patterns for both these socks are in Wendy D. Johnson's book Socks from the Toe Up the footies are the Butterfly pattern I did 2 repeats of the chart before I read all of the instructions so my "butterflies" are going to be in vertical rows instead of alternating across. They are footies I am using up yarn and learning a new stitch pattern, just yarn overs and knit 2 together and slip slip knit. The other socks are the Lacy Rib pattern.
I found a wonderful variegated yarn for Suzie Roger's Reading Mitts I think I should pull off enough yarn for the thumb to be all pink . If I finish the mitt then go back to the thumb with the yarn as it comes out of the ball, I think it will be changing to dark, dark red then black. Happy knitting sometimes I just have to put the kneedles down and give my full attention to the Olympics. Check out On the Needles at Judy's  --Ann--


  1. All of your projects look great! Love the yarn you are using for the Mitts. Those are so much fun to make.

  2. All your socks are just beautiful. I am impressed with the beautiful patterns you are trying. The fall colored ones are very fancy looking. Do you prefer toe up to top down? I see you are using circular needles instead of DPNs. What are your preferences.

  3. Great projects! Now I have to go see whether I have that book.


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