Tuesday, February 18, 2014


 It was warm and sunny here today the snow is melting. The robins are back, the silly birds were here 2 weeks ago but today it seems real that they are back and spring might not be far behind. There have been dozens of robins in the backyard today.

  It was warm enough to use the spray adhesive outside and cover some composition books.  All you need are composition books or plain journals, spray adhesive and decorative paper, I'm using old calender pages. Trim paper to about 1/2 inch larger than book on 3 sides. Spray the paper and let adhesive set for a minute or two, I overlap the edge with the black spine covering. Then trim off excess paper. And you have a pretty journal for planning your blog posts or your big book of lists. My thoughts are always more profound going into a beautiful journal and its not so expensive that I am afraid to use it.
 Those silly birds, what do the eat this time of year? here!??!  No strawberries that's for sure. --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to remember your idea of backing plain notebooks with pretty paper. Such a simple but good idea! Glad you had success with the slippers and that your son is now enjoying wearing them.

    By coincidence I've been looking up the German sock wool online. I've only recently come across it, the colours they do are gorgeous. Have you used it before I wonder and if so is it comfy to wear?


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