Thursday, May 8, 2014

Out of the Cupboard

I'm a week behind on May Day but I was subbing at school, went to a meeting, sat in the sun for a while, tossed some things from my sewing room into the garbage, went to the green house and spent a day working in the garden. I re planted my strawberry bed, planted peas, beans, beets, potatoes, spinach and lettuce. I'm so glad I got all that done because today we have rain and my legs are sore from kneeling and reaching. Today is for knitting and sewing and reading my three favorite things to do.  I made this little quilt in 2003 the buttonhole or blanket stitch was all the rage back then. I made dozens of these little baskets from brown scraps someday I'll find more in my closet and after it was done I wished I had bordered each basket in the background fabric because the striped sashing and border overwhelms the baskets. I still love the pink and red flowers. I did match those stripes in the mitered corners. Some quilts are for learning.--Ann--

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little quilt! I was studying the pretty spirals that you put into the quilting. Looks great!


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