Friday, August 15, 2014

On and off the needles

I think this is the first Friday I have been home all summer......On the needles another pair of socks this yarn is from three Irish girls and I wish I had taken a picture of it before I wound it into 2 balls there was yellow at the top of the hank and brown at the bottom with gradations of white, pale pink, bright pink and red then the brown and the same colors on the other side. I'm doing a serpentine pattern from Wendy D. Johnson's book Socks from the Toe Up.
I finished socks for son just a basketweave stitch. Knitting on solid color yarn is so boring I need to knit a pattern. Most of these socks were knit on weekend trips when hubby dear was driving.
I finished a cotton sweater for me the color is pansy.Tee for Two pattern it was an easy pattern to knit, the front and back panel were knit first then the sides and sleeves were knit by picking up stitches along the front and back panels. It is the color of pansies!
They are such cheerful flowers. Happy knitting and linking to Judy's On the Needles. --Ann--


  1. Love your pink socks! Your sweater is really pretty and looks so comfortable. Great job!!

  2. What a great sweater. I may just have to try it although I am not really good at picking up stitches.


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