Monday, October 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday

 I love it when quilt parts fall out of the closet so I don't have to decide what to work on next. Leftovers from click.  I had enough 30 degree triangles of pinks and reds for 12 blocks so I cut a few more of the greens leftover from click which by the way still isn't finished because I'm hand quilting. My first thought was to set the blocks on point but for the number of blocks I have I would have a long skinny quilt, this  4 x 5 blocks arrangement works better I can still add sashing and cornerstones if I want to make it a little bigger, it could be a doll quilt or a baby quilt. check out Design Wall Monday at Judy's. Happy stitching --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. That's funny that this quilt decided it would be next on your list. :) I really like your design. It would make a great baby quilt.


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