Friday, February 20, 2015

On and off the needles

Just little projects I have been working on the last couple weeks. The blue reading mitts are the last of 2 balls of opal yarn, I made 2 pairs of socks, daughter has one pair, one pair of gloves and reading mitts with just a little yarn left over. I'll toss that in with the other scraps for some stripes in mismatched socks or gloves. And I'm knitting another pair of gloves from the Blossom Street yarn.  Shouldn't every coat and jacket have either a pair of mittens or gloves in the pockets?!?

Some fun colors in this yarn to brighten the long brown/grey winter we are having here on the prairie. I'm ready to start the heel gusset. The stitch pattern is p2, k4 for 4 rows, k2,p2,k2 for 4 rows, and k4,p2 for 4 rows and repeat the sequence.  The pattern suggests a cable that is moving diagonally up the sock.  Linking to Judy's OTN its been a great winter to knit--Ann--


  1. I love, love, love your last pair of socks! The pattern and the yarn are just gorgeous. You have been very busy!!

  2. That is such a pretty stitch pattern and I love that yarn. You have really made a lot of pretty items this winter.


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