Friday, March 27, 2015

On and off the Needles

Hap hap happy feet!!!! How can feet not be happy with this happy yarn and happy socks!!! I love the colors and the stitch pattern was super simple. p2, k4 repeat 4 rows, k2,p2,k2 repeat 4 rows, k4, p2 repeat 4 row and repeat the 12 row sequence.

I have made progress on my cardigan. I'm working on the sleeves, I put markers in my decrease rows so it is easier to count how many decreases I have done.  I followed the instructions in my favorite knitting book for sewing seams, there are specific ways to sew together bound off edges or horizontal seams, edge to edge or vertical seams, and horizontal sewn to a vertical edge seams. This sweater has all three types of seams and with a little steam I think they will look pretty dandy.  We have had lots of cool windy days here perfect for knitting. linking to Judy's OTN. --Ann--


  1. LOVE the socks! Very happy feet.
    Your sweater is gorgeous. Love that idea of marking the decrease rows. I'm all about anything to make counting easier. :)

  2. Let's hear it for happy feet!

    Your cardigan is going to be awesome!

  3. Great socks!

    Three types of seams? I think I'm going to faint! New knitter here. Your sweater looks really nice!

  4. Love them socks. My kind of colors!! Your sweater looks great too. Thanks for the tip of marking your decrease rows. I have to have a pencil and paper handy when I'm knitting anything new (or old for that matter). I'm fainting along with swooze.

  5. Your sock yarn is AWesome!! Love the colors and the stripes. Thanks for sharing the pattern. Your cardigan is going to be gorgeous!

  6. I love the socks. Are they done with DK or sock yarn?

  7. Beautiful sweater! Great socks, too; love that stitch pattern.

  8. Love the socks. Oh My gosh they are beautiful


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