Friday, March 13, 2015

On the Needles

 I was making progress on these until I got a sale email saying some yarn was listed at sell out prices.

I started this sweater to try to predict if I will need more yarn.  I knit 7 1/2 inches of the back with the first ball of yarn so if I use 3 balls for the back and 3 for the front that leaves me with 5 for the sleeves. That should be enough hmmmm.  The sweater pattern was in the Love of Knitting Magazine fall of 2013.  Our snow is gone here but is too early to think of gardening. Happy knitting and linking to Judy's OTN.--Ann--


  1. You are really keeping busy with those knitting needles. I really love the colors of your socks and gloves.

  2. That looks like a really nice sweater pattern!


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