Friday, May 8, 2015

On the needles

Darling daughter got her new socks for her birthday.  I was knitting from both ends of the ball so didn't know there was a knot in the yarn until I was well into the socks,  good thing she never stresses over mismatched socks. I need to stay home on a Friday so I can post an on the needles. Lots of knitting in the car as there have been a couple road trips with hubby.
These gloves and reading mitts are finished 1 pair of socks, 2 pair of gloves and one set of reading mitts from 2 balls of yarn. The yarn is 20% angora so is marvelously soft but looks ratty after going through the wash a few times.

Another pair of reading mitts also from Blossom Street yarn with angora and a pair of socks for son, his birthday is coming and he really likes hand knit socks. Bless his heart. Linking to Judy's OTN.--Ann--


  1. Nice projects! I love the rainbow socks. Don't you hate it when there's a knot in your yarn?

  2. Your finished items are all gorgeous, but my favorite is the pair of socks. Love the colors!!

  3. The gloves are fabulous! Such nice work.


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