Monday, August 17, 2015

Big Things and Little things in Ireland and Scotland

Big cousin's  climbing rose on the holly tree
Little thing......the multitude of blossoms that came down like snow when the wind came

big thing............. roses as big as saucers
little thing........... all those buds yet to bloom
big thing.....tree that died and was felled 5 feet in diameter

big thing...........the beech tree that blow over in the wind probably 200 years old and 6 feet in diameter

 little thing......all the flowers that weren't crushed when the tree blew over
big thing..........the trees that shade the lane
little thing.........the peep holes to the sky

big thing.............. holly flowers en mass

little thing.....individual holly blossoms
 Big thing..........leaves of the gunnera plant that makes rhubarb look petite
Little thing.............shamrocks growing under the ferns
big thing.............the emblems of Scotland

little thing........we call them weeds but the thistle poked the invading Vikings and made them scream which alerted the Scots to prepare to fight.  The Thistle is the national emblem.
                                                                              I don't know if this little flower is the flower of Scotland but it is tiny and looks like the flower on the castle pipe.

Big thing.........Celtic crosses for legends, this is where Flora MacDonald is buried who helped hide Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Big thing.............Celtic crosses for the mortals.
Little thing........7th century Celtic cross from the graveyard at Fahan where a couple of my ancestors are buried.  My big purchase.
Big thing..............Highland cattle
Little thing and a wee ditty............Heiley coos go moo because Highland cows don't say mow (rhymes with cow)
And that's the end of my travel pictures. --Ann--

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