Monday, March 21, 2016

Still celebrating Saint Patrick's Day

 That's a lot of green,  the grass is green!!!!

I finished the binding over the weekend!  I'm so glad I took my time with the Celtic knots.  They did get easier as I progressed.  Next year it will be hanging on the wall for the month of March.   For now it  is on the stair rail.  ta da done  --Ann--


  1. Oh, Ann, it's so beautiful! The quilting is superb and I love those Celtic knots. I envy you your green grass, too, as it's snowing here and we have 2" already.

  2. Wow! This is one gorgeous quilt! And it looks like it could be reversible. Your quilting design is perfect. Our grass is green, too, and needs to be mowed already! Woohoo!!


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