Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools Day we have snow!!

What a surprise to wake up to see the ground white.  I started a different pattern with the sweater and was going full steam ahead then I counted my stitches and I'm way off.  This saddle shoulder sweater has short rows in the back to make the collar higher in the back so there were fewer stitches in the back section to accommodate the increases and short rows and foolish, blaze ahead, leap before looking me did my short rows and increases on the front section.  I have 14 more stitches on my back than on my front, as of yet I still have Mrs.-Adams-dance-instructor-straight-posture, no hunching over for me, so rip again.  Good thing yarn is so forgiving.  While I was sorting my error out in my head I started another pair of socks, sometimes plain knitting is the way to go. Another great day to knit or sew or read or a little or a lot of each today as I watch the snow fall and melt.  Linking to Judy's OTN.  --Ann--


  1. no need for sox here...going to be 80 today....but just for today!

  2. What cast on do you use for your toe up socks?


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