Friday, August 19, 2016

On the Needles

 Wink, wink
 I like those eyes better

One pair of socks finished during the olympics and another pair started. Those were such fun colors to knit.  We have had a little rain here enough to green up the lawns which makes knitting brown yarn a little more pleasant.  So sad when everything was so dry and brown but thats what happens to South Dakota when we go for weeks without rain and temps in the 90's and 100's and wind like a generator on the midway at the fair.
I stopped at the bank the other day to cash in my coffee cans full of change, they were heavy!  The bank here is fortunate to own a Harvey Dunn original painting.  He is a South Dakota artist, his painting of the prairie are so beautiful.  The colors are vibrant, from a distance they look very pastel but step up close...........the colors are brilliant.  I can feel the heat and the wind when I look at them.  There is an intense lime green in the grass similar to the green in the socks, the sky and the turquoise are very close and there are little spots of bright pink and orange in the painting.  The painting is about 4 feet by 6 feet.  His most famous painting is The Prairie is My Garden it seems like every other grandmother has a print of it in her home, including my grandmother.  My brothers were almost fighting over who would get the print, they noticed that I wasn't interested and asked why.  I said have you ever seen the original?  Its at the art museum on campus.  Of course they hadn't.  Harvey Dunn's painting like our shrinking native prairie are filled with color if you just look.  --Ann-- Linking to Judy's OTN


  1. Beautiful socks, but that painting is gorgeous!

  2. Love the socks! May I ask what yarn you used?

    Jane (from PDX)

  3. Those are some pretty socks. You always make me laugh with your cute way of folding them with the eyes. I tried it one day, but they didn't turn out like yours. What a beautiful painting too. I've never heard of the artist, but he sure captures his scenery wonderfully. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wonderful socks, wonderful painting! Thank you for sharing them both.


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