Friday, September 23, 2016

Ann's other spot......Sewing room

My sewing room is finally in working order and look no clutter......not yet......and a whole closet full of safe spots.  Just because its unpacked doesn't mean I know where everything is.  I'm still looking for my sewing machine oil.  I packed it in a safe spot,  its in a little plastic bag somewhere safe because of course I would put an oily can of oil and a plastic bottle of oil in a plastic sealable bag before putting it in another tin or plastic box and then into a packing box with lots of paper but I haven't found it yet.  Its a little too tidy right now I feel like a guest, just give me an afternoon with the rotary cutter.  After all creativity is not a neat process.  --Ann--


  1. I could come mess up your room for you in a hurry. :) It's just waiting for you and your creative juices. What kind of machine is your quilting machine? I haven't seen one of those before.

  2. It's a sweet 16 from handi quilter I love it and it suits my needs and space have a great weekend

  3. Looking great! Always nice to have the space for those creative juices to get flowing! Have a fun time in your new room!

    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Ohhhhh, nice big room. I'm jealous. My sewing room hasn't been that neat since I painted it - everything was piled in the hallway. ;o)


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