Friday, December 9, 2016

On the Needles

Just a couple little projects on the needles other than the super secret projects.  Another Baa-ble stocking cap (scroll down to an earlier OTN for the link to the pattern) and a pair of Lovikka mittens that I'm knitting with Lopi yarn from Iceland.  I think Lovikka mittens is a bit of a misnomer because Lovikka is a brand name for a bulky Swedish yarn typically used for knitting mittens.  The Icelandic yarn I have is too thin so I am using a double strand of yarn to bulk up the mittens. One done, I'll knit the thumbs when the second mitten is done.
This morning was dough day.  I mixed up 8 different kinds of dough in one mess then I will bake them at my leisure.  Hope you are staying warm the woolies feel so good.  --Ann-- Linking to Judy's OTN


  1. Your tiny little mitten is so cute. I still have not tried to knit mittens, but will for sure in 2017. Your hat is very pretty too, You are so smart to mix up a big batch of dough for baking at your leisure.

  2. I love the red in the baa able hat! Those sheep are so cute!

  3. The red in your hat is beautiful! I really need to try this pattern. Great idea to mix dough all in one day. I'll be mixing the dough for our Christmas morning cinnamon rolls in a few days. Yummy!

  4. Love that baable hat; it's on my list for one of these days!


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