Thursday, April 6, 2017

Cluck Cluck

What is it about not putting all your hens in one basket or is it all your eggs in one basket?  Anyway I was changing quilts around the house for spring and got out the Easter decorations.  I haven't fussed with Easter decorations for a couple years since its not at much fun when the kids are all grown up, but this year DD has an Easter birthday so I'm calling out the hens and the eggs.  I should pull out some rabbits too. cluck cluck --Ann-- link to the chicken pattern.


  1. Your chicks are too cute! I haven't pulled my Easter things out in a long time either, but I'm getting them out today! Thanks for the inspiration...and the link to the chick pattern!

  2. Cute little chickens, nice to have an excuse to pull them out after being in hiding for a while! (Ha - I clicked on the link and see I was the first to comment on that post all those years ago - thanks for reminding me the pattern is there!)


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