Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sunbonnet Sue Quilting

 Auditioning a binding and that one is wrong.

A short story:   Once upon a time there were two little girls, one lived in town and the other little girl lived on a ranch far from town but her grandma lived across the street from the first little girl so they became friends.  Kindergarten was the year of lots of snow so the ranch girl lived with her grandma most of the winter.  The two little girls would play together all morning then go to school.  Sometimes they played dolls, sometimes ponies and sometimes dress up.  The little ranch girl liked dress up so much that she wore the dress up clothes from the townie girl's closet to school then after school change back into her own clothes and go home to grandmas.  The townie girls mom made them matching dresses because they were BFFs.  Then the little ranch girl moved away then the townie girl moved away but they are still FBFFs.

I machine quilted in the ditch and around each sunbonnet Sue and palm leafy loops in the setting triangles.
As profound as I get words and the years of all her Easter birthdays.
1995, 2006, 2017, 2028 and 2090.
DD would frequently exclaim to me when I was sewing a dress for her "For Me!??!"

I always stitch my name onto the quilt along with the year.

The large floral print was a favorite sun dress with a ruffle at the hem and little bloomers underneath.

Little girls grow up so fast.........cherished memories.  --Ann--


  1. Such a fun quilt, and it looks like its finished, too.

  2. I'm not usually a sunbonnet sue fan, but your quilt is adorable. Such a treasure. Thanks for sharing the stories!


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