Friday, May 26, 2017

The Color Yellow


 Someone commented to me recently that I knit a lot of lavender and rose colored sweaters for myself which got me to wondering why because I really love to wear yellow.  Lavenders and roses or pinks can lean toward the reds on the color wheel or toward the blues and I will like them or they can be muted and I will like them.  Yellows can be harsh or brassy or dirty and they loose their true color when photographed.  The tunic on the left is as bright as the daffodils but lost all its brightness in the photo it is also rayon and polyester.  The yarn on the needles was called vibrant lemon but is more the color of goldenrod as is the  cotton sweater on the right. Then another picture as I progress and this one does look more like a vibrant lemon color, it still matches the cotton sweater.  On the website the yarn looked yellow not golden.  There was another yarn that looked like the perfect color of yellow even though the color name was lime something so I asked and was told it was definitely green.  Another light yellow yarn just looked dirty.  I suppose if the yarn fiber has not been bleached to white white any yellow dye is going to be muted by the natural color of the fiber.  I might have to knit with synthetic yarn if I want a bright clean yellow.  I cringe at the thought of synthetics--Ann--


  1. Yellow is a beautiful color--nothing says spring like daffodils! Anxiously awaiting the blooming of my yellow day lilies.

  2. I love yellow and I can wear it well....what is the pattern for the yellow sweater....I like it.....


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