Monday, July 10, 2017

9 Patches

Another 9 patch quilt from this stack of leftover 9 patches.  First put all the 9 patches on the design wall then look at the fabrics leftover from the other quilts,  alternating squares, a whole bunch just the right size and even some sashing pieces and a pile of dark squares from 9 patch #2.  Think think think how can I use those? Think think think.  Try rec stars!!! just a few.
All the parts are there now to do some rearranging.  The brown 9 patches are in the center of the double 9 patches.
I paired the 9 patches so there are matching blocks in opposite corners, that way I could make diagonal lines. There are pink 9 ps, red 9 ps, plaid 9 ps, blue 9 ps,  and yellow 9 ps.
Pick a color and follow the 9 patches across and around the quilt.  When I looked at the small photos with my reading glasses and I wasn't sitting the proper distance from the computer screen the triangles rec stars were somewhat blurry and blooming stars popped into my head.  I think that is what I will call this quilt is Blooming Stars or Blooming 9 Patches.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty in a charming old fashioned way; my favorite type of quilt!


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