Monday, November 20, 2017

Nine Patches and Log Cabins

Blocks all sewn together and a border added. Such fun to use so many fabrics from my stash and some have been there since I started quilting. Greens have changed over the years, its hard to find a bright "grass" green now that isn't in a kid print or even a green with some contrasting colors in the print, everything new is very monotone in two values of the same hue.
I always wait to baste quilt tops until I have three or four ready before I get the quilt frame out because I have to move furniture and set it on four chairs gathered from around the house.  Its a bit of a bother so I wait until I can baste a pile.  Finally some sunny days here amazing how blue sky can improve attitudes.  Linking to Em's Scrapbag  --Ann--


  1. I love this quilt! It is fun to see all of your Christmas fabrics... some of which I have. You're right about the greens. Colors and designs come and go.

  2. Wonderful Christmas quilt. Love all the scrappy reds, greens, and golds.


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