Wednesday, May 23, 2018


I finished hand stitching this over the weekend.  We moved our camper near our son for the summer and had a typical spring weekend, starting on Thursday it was hot and humid then a burst of wind and a deluge of rain followed by cooler almost cold Friday and Saturday and more wind, lots more wind.  Sunday was sunny and warm in the sun if you were out of the wind and downright chilly in the shade.  We found out the camper is water tight and how to run the AC, the fireplace and furnace all within 24 hours!  Needless to say I spend most of the weekend at son's house or in the camper stitching, reading,  knitting and rubbing his dogs ears.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. Your pansies are so sweet. This weather has been crazy. We broke a record for the most rain in one month, with more to come. Everything sure is green! And waterlogged!!


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