Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ta da da done

 My first finished quilt of 2018 what have I been doing all year??? Two years ago I started out finishing a quilt every couple weeks.  I must have had some shorter deadlines back then,  I'm always more productive under pressure. We have had a weeks worth of hot days here so is good to spend time downstairs in the sewing room.  I took pictures of my quilt before it got too hot and there were some volunteer violas in the rocks. Such cheery little blossoms.  


  1. This is such a sweet quilt, Ann. Great finish. If it's not too much to ask, would you draw your quilting design on paper? I can't see it well enough to follow the design. Viola's are one of my daughters favorite flowers (and was my grandmother's name). I planted Johnny Jump Up seeds this year and will see how many I get. Hopefully it wasn't too late to plant them.


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