Friday, June 1, 2018

maple seeds

 The maple seeds have been whirling from the trees then leap frog down the street.  In past years they have either been green or tan but this year they are pink or maybe I just didn't notice. Nature does pink so well. They are probably all from the many Autumn Blaze Maples in the neighborhood.  In an older neighborhood where we lived 20 some years ago we had a maple that dropped larger seeds that were about 3 inches in length. These pink seeds are just over an inch in length.  The longer seeds would soar down like a helicopter, these do to but since they are smaller they whirl faster.  They always land seed first into the grass.  Throwing the seeds back into the air kept my little boys busy for minutes many many minutes.
Summer memories.  --Ann--

1 comment:

  1. Those are the same color as the even tinier seeds from our Japanese maple. That tree has dropped zillions of seeds this year with more to come.


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