Friday, July 27, 2018

ah ha moment

Sometimes I need to see things side by side to understand how they are the same and different a real ah ha moment for me.  These are all decrease stitches with yarn overs.  Starting at the lower right and working up. Knit 2 together (k2tog) with the yarn over on the right.  Not a good look.  I did the yarn over on the left on the next 4 rows. Nice even row slanting to the right.  The knit 2 through back loop (k2tbl) does not make for a nice slanting line but it is quick for turning the heel of a sock.  Slip slip knit (ssk) Is the smoothest left slanting decrease, both stitches are slipped knit wise then knit together. The last is slipping a stitch purl wise then knitting and passing the slipped stitch over (psso)  not as nice a line of stitches.  In the top rows I stacked my decreases with a yarn over then with knit front and back (kfb) just to see how they stacked up.  Not  much difference in appearance. Ah ha and now I know.  --Ann--
Socks are finished with the slip slip knit and knit 2 together.  It makes a lacy cable looking pattern.   My cheat sheet because I would knit these between other things and I forget so quickly which row I was knitting.  Maybe now after doing the swatches I can remember the stitches and the symbols, the left slant slip 1 then slip the 2nd stitch and knit.  The right slant stick the needle into the 2nd stitch, the far side of the chart.  The next pattern I knit might use different symbols.  Always check the chart!!   --Ann--


  1. Thanks for knitting the side by side examples and sharing with us! I do not know how to read a chart, so have avoided that. I should learn, though. Your socks are beautiful. Love the color of the yarn.

  2. It does help to see an example, doesn't it? Love those blue socks; what a pretty color of blue!


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