Monday, December 3, 2018

Life continues at a new address

We have moved into a 20 something year old house in a development that is mostly retired people.
 I thought by bringing things over to the new house one car load at a time I would place everything where I wanted it and just continue life as normal............WRONG!  I brought things over starting with the non essentials and placed them where I thought they should go and now I am moving everything to fit in the essentials.  I really need to get rid of more stuff,  I thought I would break lots of dishes on the granite countertops in the old house but I didn't.  I did learn to appreciate that nothing shows on the granite; coffee rings, coffee grounds, pepper specks, toast crumbs, water spots etc. These are almost white formica which shows everything and then some.  I am forever wiping the countertops.  Before I could make my coffee enjoy it.  Now I need to tidy up before I sit. The kitchen is also set up ass backward to what I am used to.  The only thing in the same orientation is the drawer with the potholders which is to the left of the stove.  Everything else is in a different place.  The work space and sink are to the right of the stove with the disposal on the left side of the sink. Thinking back I believe I have had to make that adjustment with every move,  I just had more cupboards, counter space and newer appliances than this move.  The chore of relearning everyday things.  I understand how my little dog must have felt with every move and the door hinges were on the wrong side for her to got out. Its cute when its happening to someone else.
I still don’t know what switch turns on which light.  The tree has been in place since the day we moved in but not decorated until after Thanksgiving,  Christmas quilts are on the walls and beds.
The really great thing with this move is I lost 5 pounds.  One day I did over 14,000 steps and barely went outside.  I've been too busy organizing things to snack.  Between the Sanford Profile weight loss program and a fitness app I put on my phone I've been eating the right things.  No more salty sweet junk in the house.  I wish I had learned how fast extra carbs, mostly breads, stick to your body when I was in my 30's.  My new mantra is and this is probably from the fitness app "nothing tastes as good as the feeling of skinny"  I love it when there is room to breath in my jeans and there are fewer rolls under my sweaters.  --Ann--


  1. Looks beautiful! Very homey and cozy. I hope you get to enjoy it soon after all the crazy. I can't IMAGINE moving - we have WAY to much stuff.

  2. Moving is so difficult, even if it is just around the corner. Your new home looks beautiful with all of your quilts hanging. Hopefully you will be done soon and will be able to enjoy Christmas. I think I'm going to pretend that I'm moving... just to get rid of stuff and lose some weight! :)


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