Friday, January 18, 2019

On the kneedles

 New Year new socks on the needles they need to be done for son with the birthday in February which is coming fast.  And I started a simple sweater for me after the disappointment with the Gansey sweater.  I knit this pattern a couple years ago and was very pleased with it.  Top down and knitting in the round. The yarn is really yellow, good thing I really like yellow.  The neck ribbing is  the linen stitch which is a slip stitch pattern with the yarn in front as you slip the stitch. I knit the neck with a size 5 needle then switched to a 7 for the body and as I was knitting to the larger needle I noticed how much easier and faster it was to knit with a smaller needle on the left so I continued knitting that way. I may do that with all my knitting with interchangeable needles.  
Stay warm, wear wool, wear hand knits --Ann--


  1. Sure makes me wish I had grown up knitting and crocheting...but I do not need another hobby. Love the colors here...that yellow is gorgeous.

  2. Yellow is cheerful, great for this time of year!


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