Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Color Me Happy

Another finish!  Color Me Happy is really how this one makes me feel. Those cheerful colors brightened up the many gray days we had this summer.  I had binding left from an earlier quilt and scraps to make the backing wide enough for this quilt.  I had second thoughts about the binding because it was not used in piecing this quilt.  The color changes in the bias pull it all together, a little aqua blue, a little orange, a little green and a little more orange and yellow.  I'm glad I used it. Super simple quilting to show off the fabrics and piecing.  Just a diagonal line through the 4 patches and 9 patches and arcs in the pinwheels and a little loopy thing in the side squares of the large 9 patches.  Need to think about some new projects.  --Ann--


  1. Love it! That star fabric is really pretty with the rest.

  2. it's a very colorful happy quilt...and a finish is always happy...


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