Monday, October 26, 2020

Reading list #5 2020

  1. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson about the Chicago World’s Fair of 1892/1893 World’s Colombian Exposition celebrating 400 years since Columbus came to America and a serial killer.
  2. Messenger of Truth by Jacqueline Winspear  more detective work with Maisie Dobbs book 4
  3. The Baker’s Secret by Stephen P. Kiernan for book club WW2 German occupation of France just prior to D Day.
  4. September by Rosamunde Pilcher takes place in Scotland about coming home. Very good
  5. An Incomplete Revenge by Jacqueline Winspear book 5 of Maisie Dobbs series.
  6. Knitting Yarns edited byAnn Hood various writers on knitting  I like to have a book of essays or short stories or even a cookbook on my kindle to read between books and especially when I read a real book so that I can keep my reading streak going.  119 weeks of reading 171 days of reading.
  7. Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher another story that takes place in Scotland 
  8. The Hard Way Home by Jean Grainger about a kinder transport Jewish girl to England then Ireland. After WW2 and schooling at Trinity college in Dublin, she travels to her birth place in Berlin for an international debate competition and is reunited with a childhood friend.
  9. Among the Mad by Jacqueline Winspear book 6 of Maisie Dobbs series.
  10. I’ll be Seeing You by Margaret Mayhew WW2 love story and search for birth father.
  11. The Girl in the Glass by Susan Meissner another favorite author, about Florence, Italy, I want to go there again. 
  12. The Faces of Change by Joan Ellison about the people in a small town in Minnesota and how they handled the new immigrants who work in the turkey prcessing plant.  For book club

I’ve travelled to England, France, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Italy, and Chicago all without leaving home. Those beautiful warm days I sat on the deck for hours I even sunburned my knees. I pretended I was sitting near the beach but instead of watching the waves I was watching the tree branches in the wind.  Sometimes the branches and leaves waved like a royal or beauty queen in a parade other times they would grab for their hats and crowns. The wind would pick up and the branches would flail like a toddler throwing a tantrum.  The leaves have mostly fallen and shifted from piles under the trees to little herds somersaulting, cartwheeling and stampeding down the street.  Then we got snow the first day it was like sifted sugar and was gone by noon, the next day it fell without making a sound but it stayed all day.   In fact it stayed a couple days then snowed some more.  It might be a long long winter. —Ann—


  1. What a beautiful description of your reading environment and the weather. Maybe you should write your own book.

  2. There are some good sounding books in this months list and I haven't read any of them. I agree with the comment above... your description of where you read is wonderful!


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