Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Something new, something blue


And all from the stash.  I saw this at One Sister Designs last summer.  Last summer doesn't that seem like a long time ago!?! Its just a 9 patch with some 4 patches cut 3 1/2 inches and 2 inches. Couldn't be easier then the row are off set so the 4 patches run in diagonal rows.  I cut, I sewed, I pressed, I crawled on the floor putting up the last two rows of squares why didn't I reach a little higher when I put the first squares on the design wall??  That's what I did on my snow day.  --Ann--


  1. Great pattern! I love the blues and reds. One color I have very little of in my stash is blue... and I love blue!

  2. My favorite color combination of all time! This is just wonderful, is your snow gone now?


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