Friday, November 6, 2020

flimsy done


Our snow melted and then the weather got warm, sit on the deck and read warm, change into shorts and enjoy the sun warm, take son's dog for long walks warm and then I needed to go downstairs to my sewing room to cool off.  The blocks and rows were finished.  At first I was thinking 5 by 6 rows but that was pretty small so I added a row to the length and then one to the width, so now it is 54 inches by 63 inches, a nice size throw.  A couple more warm days in the forecast to sit outside and read or knit and then we return to our regularly scheduled weather and back to the sewing room.  --Ann--


  1. Love your reds and blues. Glad you have a break from winter weather! It's gorgeous here, too. Happy Friday. :)


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