Thursday, January 28, 2021

One Done


The easy one is done.  I just quilted from point to point on the pinwheels and setting triangles and a diagonal line through the 9 patch and 4 patch chain, pretty easy and quick, I found two 4 patches that I turned the wrong way when I was piecing the blocks. Oops. Then I found 3 bright pieces of binding in the box and they were more than enough for this quilt.  As I worked I thought about how to quilt the splats and as inspiration struck I pinned another sheet of tracing paper to the quilt with a few possible designs.  Still not sure how to quilt it.


  1. Your finished quilt is so bright and fun. I really like the possible quilting designs for the splat. You are on a roll!

  2. Beautiful! I love the colors you've chosen. Nice design, too.


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