Thursday, February 25, 2021

Time well spent


All that planning and swatching was well worth the time involved.  I have a new appreciation for sweater designers. So far so good.  You can't see it but there are 2 row counters in the front cable section one for counting the 6 row cables and another for the 8 row cables.  They are chains of loops and you just move to the next loop down the chain as you come to it.  So much easier to keep track of the row number.  My beginning of the row marker has a removable marker attached to it so I can glance at it and know if I am doing an increase row or a no increase row.

Our cold weather left last week and now the snow is melting the weather man called it a solar snowplow, I just like to hear the water dripping off the rooftops and the gush going down the storm drains when I go for a walk.  It puts a spring in my step knowing that spring is coming.  --Ann--


  1. Your post reminded me that I have a sweater WIP waiting for me!

  2. I love it when perseverance pays off! You will have a beautifully finished sweater in no time, made from your own design!


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