Friday, June 11, 2021

June flowers

 I dug this out of the closet because I thought I was going to need a little go project but we didn't need to go so instead I have been working on this with my afternoon coffee.  I started it in 2017 I think.  I had all but a couple leaves left on two of the four now finished blocks.  That was so easy to complete that I kept at it, the stems are now finished on the pink bouquet.  I may finish the last 2 blocks before June is over and as hot as it has been it is a very doable goal.  I'm going to add 4 patch and little pinwheels all in a row to fill in and square up these blocks.  Thankful for central AC.  --Ann--


  1. Sew, so pretty!! I give you a lot of credit, it's hard to pull out those long-abandoned projects sometimes and give them the care and attention that they deserve. Bravo!!

  2. What a fun pattern! I can't wait to see its finish.

  3. Your flowers are delightful! I look forward to seeing what you come up for these beauties next.


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