Thursday, December 30, 2021

Christmas knitting revealed


I hope every one had a wonderful Christmas.  I did, my kids and babies were all home. Babies had a cold and now I have it. boo hoo sniffle sniffle curl up with a quilt and take a nap.  
   Stocking cap for daughter, she picked out the yarn in Montana last summer for a cap and mittens.  I ran out of yarn before I was finsished with the crown.  I guess I did one too many rows of ribbing but in the cold South Dakota wind  folding the ribbing double is a necessity.  The pom pom hides a multitude of sins.  I did a couple rows with the bulky mitten yarn then finished with the yarn I used for gloves.  She says I knit too loose and the cold air goes through the mittens so I knit gloves for liners.

Such fun knitting little tiny socks and socks and slippers for the big kids too.
Happy New year


  1. Cute projects! I love the photo of you and the babies!

  2. How wonderful that you were able to celebrate Christmas with your family. Your knitted items look toasty warm. And your grands are adorable!


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