Friday, January 14, 2022

Quilt top finish


My not so instant gratification project took a couple more hours to piece the piano keys or garden walk then add the borders but my first quilt top of 2022 is together!! The black piano keys between the rows of poppies adds a layer or richness. I cross cut the borderstrips and did not stress about matching the plaids or even cut them perfectly straight.  One side of the fold was pretty straight but the other side had been stretched as it was rolled on the bolt.  I tried to square it when I cut the flower strips but it didn't stay straight.   I did notice after I sewed the borders on that there was a right and wrong side to the fabric the black lines of the plaid are much bolder on one side than the other.  It jumped out at me while I was pressing but by the time I machine quilt it I will probably have forgotten the difference of the black.  Its together and I'm pleased with it.  --Ann--


  1. It's gorgeous! I love this quilt. Congrats on a great finish.

  2. Your top looks like poppies popping up through snow covered stones. I love your finish! YAY! for the first finish of 2022!!


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