Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Start and finish

 Much time was spent knitting in late February and March. This is a Marie Green pattern knit on size 8 needles so it did knit fast. Hubby had a procedure done and is doing great, I needed some mindless knitting while he was in the hospital. The yarn is Rowan felted tweed of wool, alpaca and viscous. After it was washed it is so soft. Love this yarn!  And the spring weather or lack of is still saying wear wool sweaters.  ~~Ann~~


  1. Beautiful sweater, and in my favorite color even!

  2. Beautiful! I’m glad your husbands procedure went well. Mindless knitting is wonderful at times like this.

  3. very pretty indeed...all of your hand knits are...i did not get the knitting a bit envious...doesn't look mindless at all

  4. Such a pretty color. Hope your hubby heals quickly after his procedure. We finally have had some days where we can put away wool sweaters, but I'm not sure we've totally crossed the line yet. Sometimes Mother Nature like to play with us. Popped in from a mutual friends blog to say hi. It's always fun to meet new bloggers/crafters. Do swing by for a visit.
    Sandy's Space


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