Friday, June 24, 2022

Quilt labels


I’m way behind on making labels for my finished quilts mostly because I need to learn how to use the memory features of my new (last summer) sewing machine. That was part of the  class last fall but that was last fall. And I usually can’t remember what was yesterday’s wordle  word was. I watched the sewing mastery videos  then tried to touch the pad in the right order then watched the video again.  I finally got it right!  Then I made a list of all the quilts that need labels…..I made a couple more because repetition does reinforce memory… four more to sew. Ann


  1. I am so bad about labeling my quilts. I should do what you’ve done and go back and label a lot of them now. Great job on making yours!

  2. You can include me on labeling my fini quilts....once the binding is on I consider it done!!


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