Monday, November 14, 2022

A knitting weekend


It was a knitting weekend, hubby was off hunting again. He has worked hard at his cardiac rehab so he could go hunting so I can’t complain and a weekend home alone can be really nice. I had complete control of the remote I watched a bunch of hallmark movies and knit, knit, knit. Sometimes I turned the tv off and read, it was that kind of weekend,  chilly and grey.  Almost done with 4th ball of yarn after starting over on this sweater on Tuesday last week. It does fit better now and I like the tighter feel of the fabric too.  I’m not sorry I ripped. Ripping knitting is kinda fun compared to ripping quilting.  ~~Ann~~

1 comment:

  1. Ripping yarn sure goes faster than ripping out sewing stuff, but I admire you for doing it!


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