Thursday, December 22, 2022

Toes feel so delightful

The weather outside if frightful 
Toes are so delightful…..
A little bit of snow came yesterday it just fell so quiet 
Today it is -19 F and the wind is blowing it doesn’t look bad in town but in the country it looks like a ground blizzard and white out conditions.
This storm is named Elliott the last one was Daisy what ridiculous names for a winter storm. Who is going to heed a weatherman’s warning when he is talking about a Daisy?
It’s cold and windy outside and I’m safe and snug inside.
My little duffers are felted. I did it the easy way by throwing them in the washer with my jeans 36 minutes on medium then into the dryer on medium. They were still kinda big so into the washer again. They looked perfect well maybe like raisins so I tugged and pulled then let them air dry. Christmas is coming. Ann



  1. These look so warm and cozy! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Those are cute slippers and look warm, too. What pattern did you use? Oh, and did you add anything to the bottoms to keep them from slipping? Merry Christmas!


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